
Procedure to be followed in the event of a fire or accident     

At Daffodil, the safety and well-being of your children are our utmost priority. We adhere strictly to the Regulations and National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years, specifically, Regulations: 20 Safeguarding and promotion of welfare, 38 Fire precautions and Standard 5.1: Records that must be kept and maintained on the premises – A statement of the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire or accident. Below, we outline our comprehensive fire safety and emergency procedures in accordance with these standards: 

Compliance with Regulations 

Our premises have been thoroughly inspected and approved by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), meeting all national minimum standards for childminding services.  


Fire Safety Measures 

Monthly Evacuation Drills 

Monthly evacuation drills are conducted to ensure preparedness and familiarity with evacuation procedures. These drills occur at various times and days to accommodate all children, with detailed records maintained in the fire/evacuation log. 


Evacuation Steps 

In the event of an emergency, we promptly alert individuals by shouting "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE" three times and sounding the whistle to signal evacuation. 

Children are safely evacuated using the nearest and safest exits, with essential items including emergency contact information, attendance records, and a mobile phone. 

We assemble at the designated meeting point, typically the car park/driveway, ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals. 


Emergency Services and Comforting Children 

Emergency services are contacted immediately to report the situation, while we comfort and reassure the children, maintaining a calm and supportive atmosphere. 

In the event of an accident or sudden illness, injured children are reassured and attended to promptly. Safety of all children is ensured, with necessary precautions taken, such as strapping into a buggy or positioning in a safe area. 

Emergency services (999) are contacted if required, with parents informed immediately. If hospitalization is necessary, parents are contacted, and arrangements are made for their child's care. 


In case of the childminder being involved in an accident, appropriate actions are taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the children, including contacting emergency backup personnel. 


Temporary Shelter and Cooperation with Authorities 

We arrange a safe place for the children to stay until parents can collect them, cooperating with emergency services personnel on-site and following their instructions diligently. 


Return to Premises 

Re-entry to the building is only permitted once Emergency Services have confirmed it is safe to do so, always prioritising the safety of all individuals. 


Fire Safety Procedures 

Preventative Measures 

We implement preventative measures to mitigate the risk of fire, including prohibiting open flames, ensuring safe electrical wiring, and minimizing oven use. 

Flammable materials are stored securely away from children, and smoke alarms are regularly maintained to ensure their proper functioning. 


Fire Evacuation Drills 

Regular fire evacuation drills are conducted, and children are trained to follow evacuation procedures upon hearing the designated signal. 

Upon discovering a fire, we prioritize evacuating children to a safe location before contacting the fire brigade. Parents are promptly informed once emergency services have been contacted. 

Emergency Response to National Disasters or Terrorist Attacks 

In the event of a national disaster or terrorist attack, we fully comply with instructions from emergency services, providing constant reassurance and support to the children. 

We continue to care for children if parents are unable to return, maintaining regular communication and shielding children from alarming information. 


Parental Communication and Permissions 

We promptly notify the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) of any significant events, including serious injuries to children or other individuals on the premises. Written permission from parents is obtained to authorize emergency treatment for their child if necessary. 

Parents are required to sign an emergency permission form, granting consent for emergency treatment and authorizing the use of designated emergency backup personnel. We ask parents to sign against specific statements* affirming their understanding and consent. 

* We ask parents to sign against the following statements: 

"I have read and understood the procedure for in the event of a fire or accident." 

"I give my permission for the named emergency back-up people to have my contact details for use in an emergency." 

"I give permission for my child/ren to be taken to hospital and be given emergency treatment providing every effort has been made to contact me." 


Trefn i'w dilyn os bydd tân neu ddamwain    

Yn y Daffodil, diogelwch a lles eich plant yw ein prif flaenoriaeth. Rydym yn cadw’n gaeth at y Rheoliadau a’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed, yn benodol, Rheoliadau: 20 Diogelu a hybu lles, 38 Rhagofalon Tân a Safon 5.1: Cofnodion y mae’n rhaid eu cadw a’u cynnal ar y eiddo – Datganiad o’r weithdrefn i’w dilyn os bydd tân neu ddamwain. Isod, rydym yn amlinellu ein gweithdrefnau diogelwch tân ac argyfwng cynhwysfawr yn unol â'r safonau hyn: 


Cydymffurfio â Rheoliadau 

Mae ein hadeiladau wedi’u harolygu’n drylwyr a’u cymeradwyo gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC), gan fodloni’r holl safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol ar gyfer gwasanaethau gwarchod plant. 

Mesurau Diogelwch Tân 


Ymarferion Gwacau Misol 

Cynhelir driliau gwacáu misol i sicrhau parodrwydd a chynefindra â gweithdrefnau gwacáu. Mae'r driliau hyn yn cael eu cynnal ar wahanol adegau a diwrnodau er mwyn darparu ar gyfer yr holl blant, a chedwir cofnodion manwl yn y cofnod tân/gwacáu. 


Camau Gwacáu 

Mewn achos o argyfwng, rydym yn rhybuddio unigolion yn brydlon trwy weiddi "TÂN, TÂN, TÂN" deirgwaith a chanu'r chwiban i nodi'r gwacáu. 

Mae'r plant yn cael eu gwacáu'n ddiogel gan ddefnyddio'r allanfeydd agosaf a mwyaf diogel, gydag eitemau hanfodol gan gynnwys gwybodaeth cyswllt brys, cofnodion presenoldeb, a ffôn symudol. 

Rydym yn ymgynnull yn y man cyfarfod dynodedig, fel arfer y maes parcio/dramwyfa, gan sicrhau diogelwch a lles pob unigolyn. 


Gwasanaethau Brys a Chysur Plant 

Cysylltir â’r gwasanaethau brys ar unwaith i adrodd am y sefyllfa, tra ein bod yn cysuro a thawelu meddwl y plant, gan gynnal awyrgylch tawel a chefnogol. 

Os bydd damwain neu salwch sydyn, mae plant a anafwyd yn cael tawelwch meddwl a delir iddynt yn brydlon. Sicrheir diogelwch pob plentyn, a chymerir y rhagofalon angenrheidiol, megis strapio i mewn i fygi neu osod mewn man diogel. 

Cysylltir â’r gwasanaethau brys (999) os oes angen, a hysbysir rhieni ar unwaith. Os oes angen mynd i'r ysbyty, cysylltir â'r rhieni, a gwneir trefniadau ar gyfer gofal eu plentyn. 

Os bydd y gwarchodwr plant mewn damwain, cymerir camau priodol i sicrhau diogelwch a lles y plant, gan gynnwys cysylltu â phersonél wrth gefn mewn argyfwng. 


Lloches Dros Dro a Chydweithrediad ag Awdurdodau 

Rydym yn trefnu lle diogel i’r plant aros hyd nes y gall rhieni eu casglu, gan gydweithio â phersonél y gwasanaethau brys ar y safle a dilyn eu cyfarwyddiadau yn ddiwyd. 


Dychwelyd i'r Safle 

Dim ond ar ôl i'r Gwasanaethau Brys gadarnhau ei bod yn ddiogel gwneud hynny y caniateir mynd yn ôl i'r adeilad, gan roi blaenoriaeth i ddiogelwch pob unigolyn bob amser. 


Gweithdrefnau Diogelwch Tân 

Mesurau Ataliol 

Rydym yn gweithredu mesurau ataliol i liniaru'r risg o dân, gan gynnwys gwahardd fflamau agored, sicrhau gwifrau trydan diogel, a lleihau'r defnydd o’r ffwrn. 

Mae deunyddiau fflamadwy yn cael eu storio'n ddiogel i ffwrdd oddi wrth blant, a chaiff larymau mwg eu cynnal a'u cadw'n rheolaidd i sicrhau eu bod yn gweithio'n iawn. 


Ymarferion Gwacau Tân 

Cynhelir driliau gwacáu mewn tân yn rheolaidd, a chaiff plant eu hyfforddi i ddilyn gweithdrefnau gwacáu ar ôl clywed y signal dynodedig. 

Ar ôl darganfod tân, rydym yn blaenoriaethu symud plant i leoliad diogel cyn cysylltu â'r frigâd dân. Hysbysir rhieni yn brydlon unwaith y cysylltir â'r gwasanaethau brys. 


Ymateb Brys i Drychinebau Cenedlaethol neu Ymosodiadau Terfysgol 

Mewn achos o drychineb cenedlaethol neu ymosodiad terfysgol, rydym yn cydymffurfio'n llawn â chyfarwyddiadau'r gwasanaethau brys, gan roi sicrwydd a chefnogaeth gyson i'r plant. 

Rydym yn parhau i ofalu am blant os na all rhieni ddychwelyd, gan gadw cyfathrebu rheolaidd a gwarchod plant rhag gwybodaeth frawychus. 


Cyfathrebu â Rhieni a Chaniatâd 

Rydym yn hysbysu Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) yn brydlon am unrhyw ddigwyddiadau arwyddocaol, gan gynnwys anafiadau difrifol i blant neu unigolion eraill ar y safle. Ceir caniatâd ysgrifenedig gan rieni i awdurdodi triniaeth frys i'w plentyn os oes angen. 

Mae'n ofynnol i rieni lofnodi ffurflen caniatâd brys, rhoi caniatâd ar gyfer triniaeth frys ac awdurdodi defnyddio personél wrth gefn brys dynodedig. Gofynnwn i rieni arwyddo yn erbyn datganiadau penodol* yn cadarnhau eu dealltwriaeth a’u caniatâd. 

* Gofynnwn i rieni arwyddo yn erbyn y datganiadau canlynol: 

Rwyf wedi darllen a deall y weithdrefn ar gyfer tân neu ddamwain.  

Rwy'n rhoi fy nghaniatâd i'r bobl cefnogaeth argyfwng enwir gael fy manylion cyswllt i'w defnyddio mewn argyfwng.    

Rwy'n rhoi fy nghaniatâd i'm plentyn/plant gael eu cludo i'r ysbyty a'u trin yn argyfwng ar yr amod bod pob ymdrech wedi'u gwneud i gysylltu â mi.