Manteision Gofal Plant Cymraeg

Welsh Language Childcare Benefits

Boosts Cognitive Abilities / Yn Cynyddu Galluoedd Gwybyddol
Learning Welsh enhances problem-solving, memory, and multitasking skills.

Opens Career Opportunities / Yn Agor Drysau Gyrfa
Bilingualism in Welsh and English is highly valued by employers in Wales and beyond.

Connects You with Welsh Culture and Heritage / Yn Eich Cysylltu â Diwylliant ac Etifeddiaeth Cymru
Understanding Welsh connects you to a rich cultural legacy and national pride.

Improves Social Skills and Confidence / Yn Gwella Sgiliau Cymdeithasol a Hyder
Welsh learners often develop strong communication skills and a sense of pride in their abilities.

Promotes Multicultural Awareness / Yn Hyrwyddo Ymwybyddiaeth Amlddiwylliannol
Learning another language helps you appreciate and engage with diverse cultures.

Supports Community Connections / Yn Cefnogi Cysylltiadau Cymunedol
Being bilingual enables you to engage more deeply with Welsh-speaking communities.

Cynlluniau Dysgu Personol

Personalised Learning Plans

We understand that each child is unique with different interests, needs, abilities, and developmental stages. That's why Sara, our dedicated childminder, creates personalised learning plans for each child to ensure that their individual learning journey is tailored to their specific requirements.

Rydym yn deall bod pob plentyn yn unigryw gyda gwahanol ddiddordebau, anghenion, galluoedd, a chyfnodau datblygiadol. Dyna pam mae Sara, ein gwarchodwr plant ymroddedig, yn creu cynlluniau dysgu personol ar gyfer pob plentyn er mwyn sicrhau bod eu taith ddysgu unigol wedi’i theilwra i’w gofynion penodol.

Trochi yn y Gymraeg

Welsh Language Integration

Sara incorporates Welsh language learning into daily activities through engaging games, traditional songs, captivating storytelling, and fun crafts.

By immersing children in the Welsh language in a natural and enjoyable way, we promote cultural immersion and language development in a supportive environment.

Mae Sara yn ymgorffori dysgu Cymraeg mewn gweithgareddau dyddiol trwy gemau difyr, caneuon traddodiadol, adrodd straeon cyfareddol, a chrefftau hwyliog.

Trwy drochi plant yn y Gymraeg mewn ffordd naturiol a phleserus, rydym yn hyrwyddo trochi diwylliannol a datblygiad iaith mewn amgylchedd cefnogol.

Profwch y Gwahaniaeth

Experience the Difference

Give your child the gift of Welsh language immersion and personalised care.

Contact us today to schedule a visit and discover the unique opportunities we offer.

Rhowch y rhodd o drochi Cymraeg a gofal personol i'ch plentyn. Cysylltwch â ni heddiw i drefnu ymweliad a darganfod y cyfleoedd unigryw rydyn ni'n eu cynnig.